Comparison Sheet

Screen Printing Techniques for Industrial Printing

Which screen printing technique suits your organization best? Compare and find out!


In the journey of finding the best printing solution for your Industrial Printing or Printed Electronics line, it is important to know what the several options are. After all, only then you will know which technique helps to solve your technical issues best.

Flatbed Printing is a well-known technique for Industrial Printing. A less familiar solution for these applications is Rotary Screen Printing. Although both techniques work completely differently, they have many similarities. However, they also both have their unique advantages. 

To visualize these advantages and compare both techniques, our Industrial Printing experts created a free-to-download Comparison Sheet. If you are in doubt about which technique to use, this is an absolute must-have.

Request our Comparison Sheet and find out:

  • Advantages of two different screen printing techniques: Rotary and Flatbed
  • The most important technical criteria of both techniques
  • Pricing differences and recommendations 

In short, this sheet will make sure you make the choice that best fits your unique application. Request your Comparison Sheet here.